
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Angry Birds of Preying?

Crows descend on Bothell for nightly slumber party | Seattle

Eating crow [, or crow eating prey; pray not.]
"Scavenging carrion eaters have a long association with the battlefield, "They left the corpses behind for the raven, never was there greater slaughter in this island," says the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Along with buzzardsrats, and other carrion-eating scavenging animals, there is a tradition in Western culture going back to at least the Middle Ages of seeing them as distasteful (even illegal at times) to eat,[5] and thus naturally humiliating if forced to consume against one's will.[2]

Year of the Snake, the arrival of the Burning Man, ...

"undulating designs nightly for the next two years[, heralding his arrival.]