
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Trends Part 2 and Part 3

The moment it happens, it's history.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - Santayana

Orwell (1984) “He who controls the past controls the future, and he who controls the present controls the past”. 1984 (Orwell)

Think of the trends that will be observed in this blog in terms of a pyramid.
The base layer of the pyramid is the bedrock of Scripture (search Title: "Trends" in this blog). The middle tier is comprised of Info War trends:

1. Economic Crisis
2. World News
3. Police State
4. World War
5. Big Brother
6. September 11
7. War on Terror
8. Constitution in Focus
9. Medical Tyranny
10. Science & Technology
11. Border Control & Illegal Immigration
12. U.S. News
13. Iraq
14. Washington Politics
15. Iran
16. Media

The third set of trends, the top tier, can be thought of, as a focused laser, using the lens of Scripture to illuminate issues commonly reported in the media that characteristically End Times phenomenon.

1. Technology (Rev 13:17; Mat 24:15; Dan 12:4)
2. Pharmakeia ("Sorcery") (Rev 18:23)
3. Human Trafficking (Rev 18:13)
4. Archaeology
5. Occult (Lev 20:6; Rev 16:14)
6. Globalists (Rev 18:23)
7. Beheading (Rev 20:4)
8. Singularity
9. Scoffers (2 Pet 3:3; 2 Tim. 3)

"Declaring the End from the Beginning":

Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I [am] God, and [there is] none else; [I am] God, and [there is] none like me,
Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure[....]

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