Because, the truth is stranger than fiction.

"The Truth is stranger than fiction." Prophecy is the forthtelling of God's Word. Whether it’s the prevalence of Israel, Babylon, the non-mention of the United States in the End of the Age Days, ‘wars and rumors of wars’, exploitation of pharmaceuticals by mega-corp’s [globalists], human-trafficking, beheadings, the tracking of everyone and everything that “no one might buy or sell unless they have the mark”, the Last Days read like the news and geopolitical strategy of every State, as if lifted from the pages of Scripture. “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,” (Isa 46:10). What characterizes the Last Days, End Times? Deception. "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come...", "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” “For thy merchants [corporations] were the great men of the earth [globalists]; for by thy sorceries [pharmakeia = drug use] were all nations deceived. (2Ti 3:1-13; Rev 18:23) Knowing the End from the Beginning makes me an Optimist. Daily life makes me a Realist. Question Everything. Read voraciously. “The past is prologue.” And, since history repeats, apply practical principles to prepare for what lies ahead. Thomas Jefferson warned of the disastrous policy of centralized private banking (Federal Reserve), Eisenhower warned us of the subsequent “military-industrial complex”, JFK exposed their "sphere of influence", and men like Dietrich Bonheoffer (Op. Valkyrie) laid down their lives, “that others might live”. To avoid the impending Econopocalypse, we must realize “the answer to 1984 is 1776.” “Without a revolution, Americans are history.” Without Revelation there will be no Revolution.

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" (Jhn 3:12)

"The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spirtually discerned." "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." (1Cr 2:14) (Jhn 3:6-7)

Seeking to understand dark sayings, mysteries, and mis-stories.
Reading news of the weird and connecting the apparently unconnected.

Logos. Symbols. Enigmas. Riddles. Encrypted. Inscribed.
Words. Pictures. Sayings. Rhymes. Decrypted. Explained.

As was before, so it is, and will be.......until.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oath Keepers: Charge Him Or Release Him

Read below or visit the following link to read on the Oath Keepers website  




Oath Keepers is coming to the aid of this young Marine veteran and our rallying cry will be "CHARGE HIM, OR RELEASE HIM."  We cannot allow  "mental illness" designations to be used as a weapon against political dissidents in America.    See the below article by Brandon Smith for the disturbing facts regarding the use of mental health detention against Virginia Marine veteran Brandon Raub because of his constitutionally protected free speech on his Facebook page.  As Brandon Smith illustrates, this is exactly what the Soviet Union did to dissidents who dared to criticize the communist regime - they were labeled "insane" and carted off to mental wards.  Now it has begun here in America.  This is a blatant circumvention of constitutional criminal due process which is every bit as dangerous as being designated an "unlawful combatant" under the NDAA and taken away to a military brig for detention without charges.  How is this any different?  Mental health detention can be used in exactly the same way.This is an incredibly dangerous crossing of a critical line in the sand - the politicization of the mental health system, using it as a weapon against dissidents to punish them for their constitutionally protected political speech.   This case is the camel's nose under the tent, and we need to stomp on it HARD, right now. And we will.


Brandon Raub has very competent local legal counsel provided by the Rutherford Institute.If you would like to donate to his legal defense, go to and be sure to add a note that your donation is for the Raub case.Oath Keepers has offered to write an amicus brief if the Rutherford attorneys think it will help, but our primary goal is to compliment their legal efforts with as many boots on the ground as we can muster to go there in person and rally in outspoken support of this brother veteran.While the case is being tried in the legal courts, we will try it in the court of public opinion and bring as much public pressure to bear as possible.Last night, Oath Keepers leadership, including both national and Virginia Oath Keepers leaders, spoke with Attorney John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute and also with Brandon Raub's Mother, Cathleen Thomas.We will be coordinating closely both with his legal team and with his family to support Brandon in any way possible.


Last night I interviewed Cathleen Thomas about her son's ordeal.   Also on the interview was Oath Keepers Eastern U.S. Vice President Rand Cardwell (a Marine Scout-sniper veteran).   You can listen to that interview here:


Click here for the Audio or listen to it on the Oath Keepers website here: Link 


Go here to view the "Support Brandon Raub" Facebook page, and to become a friend.


Cathleen also asked us to post this statement from her, about her son:

He's a good-to-go Marine who understands he is in a situation where he is watched at all times and he knows they are looking for anything to use as a justification for what they are doing to him.  He is disciplined, but please pray for his patience, and his stalwart faith.  He knew that when he spoke up something like this could happen.  He sensed it was coming, and yet he knew he had not just a First Amendment protected right, but also a DUTY to speak out.

We had conversations about what is going on in our country and then decided to do something about it.  We formed the Richmond Liberty movement and held a rally November 15, 2011 and have been very active in the community since.   We were always speaking out against legislation threatening rights, such as SOPA, and writing our legislators.


We thank every single man and woman in Oath Keepers for honoring the Constitution and we appreciate your support. - Cathleen Thomas.

[ turns out Cathleen is a subscriber to our email alert list, and has been a fan of Oath Keepers for some time].

As a dangerous assault on our Constitution, this is very similar to the New Hampshire "baby snatching" case, where a newborn baby was taken from her parents by child protective services only hours after birth, and one of the reasons listed in the affidavit was that the father, Jonathan Irish, was a "member of the militia group, Oath Keepers" (he was not actually a member, but he had been signed up on our free Ning page, and no, we are not a militia, but regardless, we could not let them get away with that use of the father's constitutionally protected free speech and political associations to take his child).    That too was a camel's nose under the tent, and if allowed to stand would have been a very chilling precedent of using child protective services as a weapon against unpopular dissidents, to punish them for their speech and association by taking their children.   That would have resulted in people chilling their own speech, sitting down and shutting up, for fear of losing their children.   We called for a rally of Oath Keepers outside the courthouse, and Oath Keepers from around the country responded with boots on the ground   The family had very competent local legal counsel, but there is no doubt that by holding a rally there we helped to put serious public pressure on the officials in New Hampshire to do the right thing.And they did, returning the baby to her parents.



We intend to do much the same here.There are already local liberty activists protesting outside of the Veterans Administration hospital in Salem, Virginia (where Brandon Raub was transferred last night, after a local magistrate rubber stamped his "preventive detention" and extended it for 30 more days).

Salem VA Medical Center

1970 Roanoke Blvd.

Salem, VA 24153

540-982-2463 | 888-982-2463


We urge you to participate in those ongoing protests, and we will also announce a date in the next week or so (likely over Labor Day weekend) when we will hold a special Oath Keepers muster there, to put as many active duty and veteran boots on the ground, on one day, to demand his release.The intent will be to compliment the already ongoing protests/rallies.Stay tuned for details.  But don't wait for that one event - get out there now, if you can, and urge others to do likewise.


We urge you to spread the word about this cases to everyone - every veteran, every concerned American, every website, every group - especially veterans groups and organizations - and also to put pressure on all public officials involved to do the right thing, and put pressure on federal officials and members of Congress, as well as the Obama Administration, to set this Marine free.Demand that they charge him or release him!  And if you have contacts among current serving Marines at Camp Lejeune, give them a heads up and urge them to be in Salem over the Labor Day Weekend to stand for a brother.


This use of mental health services as a weapon is straight out of the DHS/SPLC playbook.  Recall that Richard Cohen, the Chairman of the Southern Poverty Law Center, sat on the DHS Working Group on Countering Violent Extremism - making SPLC essentially part of DHS.  In the published recommendations of that working group in 2010, addressed to the Secretary of Homeland Security, they specifically recommend that DHS use local social services, including mental health services to counter "violent extremism."  This case, just as with the Irish baby snatching case, is precisely what SPLC wants to see done to all of us pesky constitutionalists and liberty lovers on the political right in this country.  They want, more than anything, to turn all of the apparatus of the state into a weapon against their political opponents, and above all, they want local police to be their tools of oppression, with their power coming out of the barrels of police guns.


We must defend this brother Marine, brother veteran, and fellow American.If we don't, then we will be next, and once the "mental health" raids begin in earnest, we will be at the "Solzhenitsyn moment" when we will have no choice but to resist.Don't wait till then.The time to stand is now.Sweat now, or bleed later. Stand up, step up, and show up now, right there in the streets of Salem, Virginia, by the hundreds or thousands, or you will have to step out onto battlefield America later.The choice is yours.


Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito (Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it) -Virgil.


For the Republic,

Stewart Rhodes

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